Friday, November 25, 2016

Raekwon Fisher           
Eng 101-108
Wp2(5 pages)
National Research Council vs Society ; Gun Violence

My topic is based on Gun Violence but coming from 2 different perspectives. I will be coming from National Research Council & the other is society’s point of view. While doing that I will analyze the moves, conventions, different rhetorical features that the writer uses. “On an average day in the United States 320 people are shot with a firearm, & approximately 90 die from gunshot wounds.”(Ann Whidden - Public Health Institute) The move the writer used was social science by identifying the statistics of death & injuries of people in America to inform the reader about the effects from gun violence.

To my knowledge nothing seems personal as much; viewing it from society perspective to the National Research Council & people who writes articles about gun violence. It's more so about doing their job & being informative about what goes on in society instead of trying to help society build. Do you believe that most gun violence comes from behavioral issues ? Do you believe gun violence comes from people's environment due to the fact their are no type of role models or activities to keep the youth busy. Half of the killing in America are mainly youth. “Furthermore, the hard truth is that simply having a firearm in the house increases the likelihood of death by suicide for every member in your household.”(Sarah McAfee - Healthy Living) To most people that would be an illusion because they would feel as though they are in control of their living space enough to prevent that from happening.

Plus I used that quote to support my statement that Research & personal experience on losing loved ones broadens the difference. Plus it gives credibility to support that gun violence & death comes from behavioral issues. Even though the gun might've been picked up or found around the house- how do we know there weren't any personal issues that drove the character to put the gun to use.
Society tends to see it differently as though the community & government doesn't show enough support. Society believes justice is no longer a factor to the civilization. It's hard to become immune to deaths of a relative especially when nobody can understand your pain. Unless they have already lost someone important to them to. It's said that people connect through pain then gun laws happens to stay the same as if they don't care about what happens in society. “ It just makes no sense that we make it easy to buy a gun”( Molly Reilly - Deputy Politics Editor)

Another quote to both support the claims & my statement. Society feel as though gun violence comes from not enough discipline, if it was discipline older people wouldn't just hand off guns to the youth. That builds the conventions to show that we follow the environment after build from it & accepts the life that comes with it. National research council ; Division Of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education ; Executive Office ; The committee on priorities for a public health research agenda to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence ; committee on law and justice.
In 2010, more than 105,000 people were injured or killed in the United States as a result of a firearm-related incident.

Recently highly publicized, tragic mass shootings in a few other cities have sharpened the American public. Then have sharpened the American public’s interest in protecting our children & communities from the harmful effects of firearm. While many Americans legally use firearms for a variety of activities, fatal and nonfatal firearm poses a serious threat to public safety and welfare.
Over the past years, gun violence has risen to the forefront of public consciousness. Much of the debate has focused on gun regulation and keeping deadly weapons on victims.

While individuals killed and injured atrocities such as Sandy Hook and Aurora Theatre Shootings are publicly remembered and mourned, victims of these tragedies are not limited to those men, women, and children killed, injured, or present during these horrific events. The consequences of gun violence are more pervasive and affect entire communities, families, and children. With more than 25% of children witnessing an act in their homes, school, or community over the and more than 5% witnessing a shooting, it become not just issue of gun regulation, but also of addressing the impact on those who have been traumatized by such violence. Ethos comes into play because the writers use ethics to get credit for persuading the reader of gun violence issues. Pathos appeal to the society which is more personal & closer to home.

Logos settles the two arguments on whether it's just behavioral issues or not enough discipline plus not enough resources. The genre is tragedy it's tragic to lose a loved one you'll never see again to senseless violence. The writer's style are unique due the way context is addressed helps the reader understand the purpose of the passages. The sentences have fluency complex patterns to support statements & claims. Narrow down the argument at hand.

Me myself have lost loved ones due to gun violence. In this day in age people tend to use guns over then their hands then leaves another body to mourn on. They say it is hardly more contentious issue in American politics then the ownership of guns & various proposals for gun control. Each year tens of thousands of people are injured and killed by firearms; each year firearms are used to defend against and deter an unknown number of acts of violence; and each year firearms are widely used for recreational purposes.

The adequate data and research are essential to judge both the effects of firearm on violence and the effects of different people. Now that statement causing me to think the people who write about gun violence are people who are afraid in a way or sending out a help needed message. Using their intellectual skills as a sign of support. Writers identify important gaps in knowledge; describing new methods to put research and data together to support the design and implementation of improved prevention, intervention, & control strategies for reducing gun--related crime, suicide, and accidental fatalities; and utilizing existing data and research on firearms violence to develop models of illegal firearm markets.

“ Gun control doesn't reduce crime, Violence, say studies”(National Academy Of Science - Justice Department) The national Academy of Sciences used 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study. In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower crime rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns.

The different conventions writers use gives a narrow sense on what's really going with gun laws or gun violence. All writers have their own way of explaining gun violence and the reason for it. “Obama move to curb gun violence draws strong reactions from Nevadans”(Wesley Juhl - Las Vegas Review Journal) President Barack Obama pauses while delivering a statement on steps the administration is taking reduce gun violence in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Mr. Wesley makes me feel like as though the community & government doesn't really do enough to better gun laws-- reason why nothing has changed with gun laws.

Does video games take part in what goes on with violence ? “Violent Games create aggression but do they cause kids to commit crimes?” (Giovanni Albanese Jr) The writes the piece to add on to where kids might get some of their aggression from. A new task force report says children who play video games are more prone to aggression but necessarily criminal activities.

Society buys games for their children the writer writes the article to inform the reader that games are rated for children & they shouldn't just be playing any games as they please. An informative move letting the reader know that games can bring out a wild side in youth. People should become more aware to what they let their children have access to.

Work Cited

Working since 1993 to reduce gun violence through a common sense approach to legislative advocacy


Committee to Improve Research Information and Data on Firearms
Charles F. Wellford, John V. Pepper, and Carol V. Petrie, editors

‘I lost part of my soul’: the mothers who lost their children to gun violence

Every day in America, seven kids are killed in gun violence. From Sandy Hook to New York, the mothers who grieve for them are trying to do something about it

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