Sunday, November 13, 2016


Raekwon Fisher
Eng101 - 108

My topic is Education and benefits and the players are college studenst. Did you know, it's proven that a higher education is preferred by employers than more experience? This means employers are most likely to maybe hire a person that has a four-year degree than someone with more working experience and just a high school diploma. Choosing a person with a higher education over someone with more experience and a low education such as a high school diploma or GED is the best way to choose employees at the workplace because college graduates are proven to have more drive and are more determined, they are proven that they can analyze data, conduct research and produce solutions efficiently and that college graduates have greater benefits working on the job rather than a high school graduate.
This became controversial about 25 years ago back when microsoft products started to become popular. Everyone looked to Bill Gates, a college dropout. We look at Bill and see that he's infact one of the richest men alive and he did not graduate. We, Americans hope that we could become as successful as he was. Some people think that he was just lucky and they’ll wait on their luck, but that wasn't the case to build what Bill built does take hard work and demeanor. Others who are in the process of getting a college degree strongly agree that if he indeed finished college it would make him even more inspirational and maybe even a bigger success in life.

Today this issue is still heavily debated upon. Some say experience is key to being successful at a job, and some say academic levels prove otherwise. At the end of the day it actually comes down to the employers to hire them. Sometimes a person with a lot of experience may not meet the right criteria as the job requires and maybe the college graduate needs a little more experience for the job, but it all depends on the circumstance.

College graduates have more drive and are determined. They have a further success in education.They have pulled through many additional years in school to become a success in their job or study in their preferred field. Some may argue that they only went to college because they had the money or sources for it. Good point, but there are so many people in debt because of college they’ve taken out loans because they couldn’t pay for it all. “Two out of three college graduates in America are in debt” (Denhart 1). This proves that college graduates will put everything on the line to get to where they need to be successful for a career. “Graduates take more risks, financially “(Denhart 1). They are a little riskier with their money because they're taking out loans for their education so they'll have a good job to eventually pay off their debt. “College graduates have more strive and work harder towards their study” (Denhart 1). By putting in the time and effort towards their higher education this shows that they want to become successful in what they're studying in school.
Next, as college graduates they prove that they can analyze data, conduct research and produce solutions (Ha 1).  That basically means you have a chance to look at data figure out what it's telling you, you have the time to find more information on the results and come to conclusions. “Graduates have had more verbal and mental training, as an experienced worker has had more of a hands on, face paced experience in their job” (Ha 1). This means college graduates have more of a chance to figure out where they stand“They have had a chance to go at their own pace, to see whether they could work in a fast paced environment, or maybe a slower pace” (Ha 1).While working you are usually at a fast pace and time is of the essence, so you may be a little rushed. In college you get to see where you fit in that category, if you work better under pressure and at a limited time or if you work better when you’re in control and have a certain time frame.
Lastly,  college graduates have greater job opportunities.College grads have a higher chance at getting hired anywhere. “When someone with a degree competes for a job against someone who doesn’t hold a degree, the degree-holder has greater odds of landing a job offer” (Kokemuller and Media 1). Meaning, it's more likely that having a degree will increase your chances of getting a job. “That's what employers look for, has the applicant had an academic training, alongside hands on experience” (Ha1). A higher education is what employers look for in an applicant. Also most career fields require a two or four-year college degree. Since they have a wide opportunity for jobs, the employers are in competition with other employers to hire the graduate therefore they’ll do anything for the graduate to work for them so they may raise interest in their pay or give better medical insurance.“ Basically at any job site in a situation where there's an applicant that has a college degree and one with more experience but only a high school diploma, nine times out of ten the college grad will have more of a chance getting the job” (Kokemuller and Media 1).

It is well known that employers will choose a college graduate over a person with more experience and a lower level of education. This is because college graduates show that they are determined, they have more skill and create solutions and they'll have more job opportunities.
Work Cited
Denhart, Chris. "How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 7 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Kokemuller, Niel. "Why Is It Good to Graduate from College? | The Classroom | Synonym." Why Is It Good to Graduate from College? | The Classroom | Synonym. Demand Media, 4 Apr. 2014. Web. 8 Mar. 2016
Ha, John. "Education vs. Experience: The Debate." Education vs. Experience: The Debate., 7 Oct. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Education vs. Experience: The Debate." Education vs. Experience: The Debate. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.

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