Sunday, November 13, 2016


Raekwon Fisher
Wp1 - Eng 101

Are you a user of marijuana ? If so how does it help your daily lifestyle ? What causes you to smoke ? How does it make you feel or what were the last effects marijuana has on you - did you see any changes in yourself ? I'm asking these questions to get your point of view because I'm more concerned with your response because you're the ready & we may have 2 different outlooks on marijuana.

Marijuana has been argued to be a harmful drug for quite some time now. Make you wonder who’s right & who’s wrong but at the end of the day their are no right or wrong answer just an opinion & supporting fact. Marijuana was made illegal during the 1930’s, since then only certain states were able to make marijuana legal again over time. Marijuana has been found to be helpful to certain people with sickness while other fear marijuana does more than good to the body.

Purpose & Audience
Few people who are against smoking may advertise commercials or posters to persuade the reader to quit smoking or the disadvantages the drug may sustain.
The people who are against smoking use their creativity of art or worldplay to cause controversy which will spark flames between different audiences. Sometimes it causes some smokers to look more deeply into the situation at hand & maybe even consider themselves to stop smoking then influence other to do the same. YouTube contains plenty of videos about smoking marijuana due to the fact most teens or adults who smoke use the internet / social media. That's where the advertisers attack to make their statement go viral so they can get their point across.

Rhetorical Issues : Ethos, Pathos, & Logos
The ads or videos posted contains ethos also credibility by going against higher authority which is something to be very serious about. “Non smoking” posters establish ethos by helping the audience analyze what they are reading & how they are able to understand it. Even sometimes make the audience question themselves to the point they feel wrong about the situation, then become more open minded on the subject. Most of the time to the advertisers use famous people to catch the attention of the audience to help them give a more vivid point of view. YouTube videos brings ethos, Above the influence is a funded propaganda program that targets teens & teaches them about drug use. Pathos come by the way the video or poster is advertised, this sometimes make the audience feel bad about smoking marijuana also feed bad for the others that do.

Style, Language, & Conclusion
Mostly posters have a formal language to go against another standpoint in order for their message about smoking succeed. Video language becomes informal because teen are the main audience. Since the teens speak in an informal manner they used that to create scenarios to trigger the audience feelings by connection it to their lifestyle or even similar. So after it's all set it down few people in the audience would reconsider the use of drugs due to the fact they felt bad for the character in the video.

After current research my own help me become able to share my interesting experience with you, my apologies for not having authors or any missing pieces that may be brought up later but I'm fresh off work, tired, & need to get through college.

You’re probably asking yourself why i’m writing my paper on marijuana but it’s good to always keep you updated on any type of chemicals people put their system. When was the last time you looked on the back of a food product to see what it contained ? My point exactly my paper is not to influence drug use or second guess smoking consider this an informal reminder on the effects and different conventions from the drug. “Marijuana refers to dried leaves, stems, flowers and seeds from the hemp plant, cannabis sativa. The plant contains the mind altering chemicals delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other related compounds.” (National institute on drug abuse) Marijuana is the most illicit drug used in the United States which you may realize is mostly used by the youth. Mostly ⅓ of people in America have tried weed at point in their life.
Smoking pot has less pleasant effects such as :

Distorted sense of time
Random thinking
Short term memory

After election day access to marijuana is likely to reach an all time high, California voters will decide Nov.8 to legalize weed for recreational use. The California plan allows residents to grow up to six plants at home and gives municipalities the power to allow or ban outdoor grows and marijuana stores. It requires commercial growers to comply with environmental regulations, many illegal growers today ignore law governing water, pesticides, and fertilizer use. Also gives existing medical-marijuana providers a head start in getting business licenses.

“Some states approved medical marijuana” to ease symptoms of various health problems. The U.S. Food and Drug administration (FDA) has not approved the marijuana plant as a medicine.” (  Marijuana is heavily discussed in the year of 2016 because this year brings an higher possibility that pot becomes legalized. A look at the polling suggest that marijuana will be legalized in California, Maine, and Massachusetts while Florida will become the first southern state to recognize marijuana as a medicine general legalization.

It looks iffy in Arizona & Nevada, while medical marijuana initiatives seem headed for defeat in Arkansas & Montana. A lack of recent polling makes the outcome in North Dakota harder to predict. More than 20 states have legalized weed, while the recreational pot usage is controversial higher authorities are starting to believe that pot should be legal for medical use. Marijuana use can be used to treat and prevent eye disease glaucoma, which increase pressure in the eyeball, damaging the optic nerve and causing loss of vision. The drugs can slow the progression of a disease.

A chemical in marijuana can help prevent seizures also stop cancer from spreading throughout the body, researchers at California Pacific medical center in San Francisco reported in 2007. Cannabinol stops cancer from turning off a gene called ID-1, cancer cells make more copies this gene than non-cancerous cells, and it helps them spread through the body. Medical marijuana users claim that the drugs relieve pain & stress which the benefits may be reduced from anxiety,
which can improves the smoker's mood. Be aware that high doses can increase anxiety and make you paranoid.
Image result for non smoking

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