Friday, November 25, 2016

Raekwon Fisher           
Eng 101-108
Wp2(5 pages)
National Research Council vs Society ; Gun Violence

My topic is based on Gun Violence but coming from 2 different perspectives. I will be coming from National Research Council & the other is society’s point of view. While doing that I will analyze the moves, conventions, different rhetorical features that the writer uses. “On an average day in the United States 320 people are shot with a firearm, & approximately 90 die from gunshot wounds.”(Ann Whidden - Public Health Institute) The move the writer used was social science by identifying the statistics of death & injuries of people in America to inform the reader about the effects from gun violence.

To my knowledge nothing seems personal as much; viewing it from society perspective to the National Research Council & people who writes articles about gun violence. It's more so about doing their job & being informative about what goes on in society instead of trying to help society build. Do you believe that most gun violence comes from behavioral issues ? Do you believe gun violence comes from people's environment due to the fact their are no type of role models or activities to keep the youth busy. Half of the killing in America are mainly youth. “Furthermore, the hard truth is that simply having a firearm in the house increases the likelihood of death by suicide for every member in your household.”(Sarah McAfee - Healthy Living) To most people that would be an illusion because they would feel as though they are in control of their living space enough to prevent that from happening.

Plus I used that quote to support my statement that Research & personal experience on losing loved ones broadens the difference. Plus it gives credibility to support that gun violence & death comes from behavioral issues. Even though the gun might've been picked up or found around the house- how do we know there weren't any personal issues that drove the character to put the gun to use.
Society tends to see it differently as though the community & government doesn't show enough support. Society believes justice is no longer a factor to the civilization. It's hard to become immune to deaths of a relative especially when nobody can understand your pain. Unless they have already lost someone important to them to. It's said that people connect through pain then gun laws happens to stay the same as if they don't care about what happens in society. “ It just makes no sense that we make it easy to buy a gun”( Molly Reilly - Deputy Politics Editor)

Another quote to both support the claims & my statement. Society feel as though gun violence comes from not enough discipline, if it was discipline older people wouldn't just hand off guns to the youth. That builds the conventions to show that we follow the environment after build from it & accepts the life that comes with it. National research council ; Division Of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education ; Executive Office ; The committee on priorities for a public health research agenda to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence ; committee on law and justice.
In 2010, more than 105,000 people were injured or killed in the United States as a result of a firearm-related incident.

Recently highly publicized, tragic mass shootings in a few other cities have sharpened the American public. Then have sharpened the American public’s interest in protecting our children & communities from the harmful effects of firearm. While many Americans legally use firearms for a variety of activities, fatal and nonfatal firearm poses a serious threat to public safety and welfare.
Over the past years, gun violence has risen to the forefront of public consciousness. Much of the debate has focused on gun regulation and keeping deadly weapons on victims.

While individuals killed and injured atrocities such as Sandy Hook and Aurora Theatre Shootings are publicly remembered and mourned, victims of these tragedies are not limited to those men, women, and children killed, injured, or present during these horrific events. The consequences of gun violence are more pervasive and affect entire communities, families, and children. With more than 25% of children witnessing an act in their homes, school, or community over the and more than 5% witnessing a shooting, it become not just issue of gun regulation, but also of addressing the impact on those who have been traumatized by such violence. Ethos comes into play because the writers use ethics to get credit for persuading the reader of gun violence issues. Pathos appeal to the society which is more personal & closer to home.

Logos settles the two arguments on whether it's just behavioral issues or not enough discipline plus not enough resources. The genre is tragedy it's tragic to lose a loved one you'll never see again to senseless violence. The writer's style are unique due the way context is addressed helps the reader understand the purpose of the passages. The sentences have fluency complex patterns to support statements & claims. Narrow down the argument at hand.

Me myself have lost loved ones due to gun violence. In this day in age people tend to use guns over then their hands then leaves another body to mourn on. They say it is hardly more contentious issue in American politics then the ownership of guns & various proposals for gun control. Each year tens of thousands of people are injured and killed by firearms; each year firearms are used to defend against and deter an unknown number of acts of violence; and each year firearms are widely used for recreational purposes.

The adequate data and research are essential to judge both the effects of firearm on violence and the effects of different people. Now that statement causing me to think the people who write about gun violence are people who are afraid in a way or sending out a help needed message. Using their intellectual skills as a sign of support. Writers identify important gaps in knowledge; describing new methods to put research and data together to support the design and implementation of improved prevention, intervention, & control strategies for reducing gun--related crime, suicide, and accidental fatalities; and utilizing existing data and research on firearms violence to develop models of illegal firearm markets.

“ Gun control doesn't reduce crime, Violence, say studies”(National Academy Of Science - Justice Department) The national Academy of Sciences used 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study. In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower crime rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns.

The different conventions writers use gives a narrow sense on what's really going with gun laws or gun violence. All writers have their own way of explaining gun violence and the reason for it. “Obama move to curb gun violence draws strong reactions from Nevadans”(Wesley Juhl - Las Vegas Review Journal) President Barack Obama pauses while delivering a statement on steps the administration is taking reduce gun violence in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Mr. Wesley makes me feel like as though the community & government doesn't really do enough to better gun laws-- reason why nothing has changed with gun laws.

Does video games take part in what goes on with violence ? “Violent Games create aggression but do they cause kids to commit crimes?” (Giovanni Albanese Jr) The writes the piece to add on to where kids might get some of their aggression from. A new task force report says children who play video games are more prone to aggression but necessarily criminal activities.

Society buys games for their children the writer writes the article to inform the reader that games are rated for children & they shouldn't just be playing any games as they please. An informative move letting the reader know that games can bring out a wild side in youth. People should become more aware to what they let their children have access to.

Work Cited

Working since 1993 to reduce gun violence through a common sense approach to legislative advocacy


Committee to Improve Research Information and Data on Firearms
Charles F. Wellford, John V. Pepper, and Carol V. Petrie, editors

‘I lost part of my soul’: the mothers who lost their children to gun violence

Every day in America, seven kids are killed in gun violence. From Sandy Hook to New York, the mothers who grieve for them are trying to do something about it

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Raekwon Fisher
Eng101 - 108

My topic is Education and benefits and the players are college studenst. Did you know, it's proven that a higher education is preferred by employers than more experience? This means employers are most likely to maybe hire a person that has a four-year degree than someone with more working experience and just a high school diploma. Choosing a person with a higher education over someone with more experience and a low education such as a high school diploma or GED is the best way to choose employees at the workplace because college graduates are proven to have more drive and are more determined, they are proven that they can analyze data, conduct research and produce solutions efficiently and that college graduates have greater benefits working on the job rather than a high school graduate.
This became controversial about 25 years ago back when microsoft products started to become popular. Everyone looked to Bill Gates, a college dropout. We look at Bill and see that he's infact one of the richest men alive and he did not graduate. We, Americans hope that we could become as successful as he was. Some people think that he was just lucky and they’ll wait on their luck, but that wasn't the case to build what Bill built does take hard work and demeanor. Others who are in the process of getting a college degree strongly agree that if he indeed finished college it would make him even more inspirational and maybe even a bigger success in life.

Today this issue is still heavily debated upon. Some say experience is key to being successful at a job, and some say academic levels prove otherwise. At the end of the day it actually comes down to the employers to hire them. Sometimes a person with a lot of experience may not meet the right criteria as the job requires and maybe the college graduate needs a little more experience for the job, but it all depends on the circumstance.

College graduates have more drive and are determined. They have a further success in education.They have pulled through many additional years in school to become a success in their job or study in their preferred field. Some may argue that they only went to college because they had the money or sources for it. Good point, but there are so many people in debt because of college they’ve taken out loans because they couldn’t pay for it all. “Two out of three college graduates in America are in debt” (Denhart 1). This proves that college graduates will put everything on the line to get to where they need to be successful for a career. “Graduates take more risks, financially “(Denhart 1). They are a little riskier with their money because they're taking out loans for their education so they'll have a good job to eventually pay off their debt. “College graduates have more strive and work harder towards their study” (Denhart 1). By putting in the time and effort towards their higher education this shows that they want to become successful in what they're studying in school.
Next, as college graduates they prove that they can analyze data, conduct research and produce solutions (Ha 1).  That basically means you have a chance to look at data figure out what it's telling you, you have the time to find more information on the results and come to conclusions. “Graduates have had more verbal and mental training, as an experienced worker has had more of a hands on, face paced experience in their job” (Ha 1). This means college graduates have more of a chance to figure out where they stand“They have had a chance to go at their own pace, to see whether they could work in a fast paced environment, or maybe a slower pace” (Ha 1).While working you are usually at a fast pace and time is of the essence, so you may be a little rushed. In college you get to see where you fit in that category, if you work better under pressure and at a limited time or if you work better when you’re in control and have a certain time frame.
Lastly,  college graduates have greater job opportunities.College grads have a higher chance at getting hired anywhere. “When someone with a degree competes for a job against someone who doesn’t hold a degree, the degree-holder has greater odds of landing a job offer” (Kokemuller and Media 1). Meaning, it's more likely that having a degree will increase your chances of getting a job. “That's what employers look for, has the applicant had an academic training, alongside hands on experience” (Ha1). A higher education is what employers look for in an applicant. Also most career fields require a two or four-year college degree. Since they have a wide opportunity for jobs, the employers are in competition with other employers to hire the graduate therefore they’ll do anything for the graduate to work for them so they may raise interest in their pay or give better medical insurance.“ Basically at any job site in a situation where there's an applicant that has a college degree and one with more experience but only a high school diploma, nine times out of ten the college grad will have more of a chance getting the job” (Kokemuller and Media 1).

It is well known that employers will choose a college graduate over a person with more experience and a lower level of education. This is because college graduates show that they are determined, they have more skill and create solutions and they'll have more job opportunities.
Work Cited
Denhart, Chris. "How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 7 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Kokemuller, Niel. "Why Is It Good to Graduate from College? | The Classroom | Synonym." Why Is It Good to Graduate from College? | The Classroom | Synonym. Demand Media, 4 Apr. 2014. Web. 8 Mar. 2016
Ha, John. "Education vs. Experience: The Debate." Education vs. Experience: The Debate., 7 Oct. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Education vs. Experience: The Debate." Education vs. Experience: The Debate. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.


Raekwon Fisher
Wp1 - Eng 101

Are you a user of marijuana ? If so how does it help your daily lifestyle ? What causes you to smoke ? How does it make you feel or what were the last effects marijuana has on you - did you see any changes in yourself ? I'm asking these questions to get your point of view because I'm more concerned with your response because you're the ready & we may have 2 different outlooks on marijuana.

Marijuana has been argued to be a harmful drug for quite some time now. Make you wonder who’s right & who’s wrong but at the end of the day their are no right or wrong answer just an opinion & supporting fact. Marijuana was made illegal during the 1930’s, since then only certain states were able to make marijuana legal again over time. Marijuana has been found to be helpful to certain people with sickness while other fear marijuana does more than good to the body.

Purpose & Audience
Few people who are against smoking may advertise commercials or posters to persuade the reader to quit smoking or the disadvantages the drug may sustain.
The people who are against smoking use their creativity of art or worldplay to cause controversy which will spark flames between different audiences. Sometimes it causes some smokers to look more deeply into the situation at hand & maybe even consider themselves to stop smoking then influence other to do the same. YouTube contains plenty of videos about smoking marijuana due to the fact most teens or adults who smoke use the internet / social media. That's where the advertisers attack to make their statement go viral so they can get their point across.

Rhetorical Issues : Ethos, Pathos, & Logos
The ads or videos posted contains ethos also credibility by going against higher authority which is something to be very serious about. “Non smoking” posters establish ethos by helping the audience analyze what they are reading & how they are able to understand it. Even sometimes make the audience question themselves to the point they feel wrong about the situation, then become more open minded on the subject. Most of the time to the advertisers use famous people to catch the attention of the audience to help them give a more vivid point of view. YouTube videos brings ethos, Above the influence is a funded propaganda program that targets teens & teaches them about drug use. Pathos come by the way the video or poster is advertised, this sometimes make the audience feel bad about smoking marijuana also feed bad for the others that do.

Style, Language, & Conclusion
Mostly posters have a formal language to go against another standpoint in order for their message about smoking succeed. Video language becomes informal because teen are the main audience. Since the teens speak in an informal manner they used that to create scenarios to trigger the audience feelings by connection it to their lifestyle or even similar. So after it's all set it down few people in the audience would reconsider the use of drugs due to the fact they felt bad for the character in the video.

After current research my own help me become able to share my interesting experience with you, my apologies for not having authors or any missing pieces that may be brought up later but I'm fresh off work, tired, & need to get through college.

You’re probably asking yourself why i’m writing my paper on marijuana but it’s good to always keep you updated on any type of chemicals people put their system. When was the last time you looked on the back of a food product to see what it contained ? My point exactly my paper is not to influence drug use or second guess smoking consider this an informal reminder on the effects and different conventions from the drug. “Marijuana refers to dried leaves, stems, flowers and seeds from the hemp plant, cannabis sativa. The plant contains the mind altering chemicals delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other related compounds.” (National institute on drug abuse) Marijuana is the most illicit drug used in the United States which you may realize is mostly used by the youth. Mostly ⅓ of people in America have tried weed at point in their life.
Smoking pot has less pleasant effects such as :

Distorted sense of time
Random thinking
Short term memory

After election day access to marijuana is likely to reach an all time high, California voters will decide Nov.8 to legalize weed for recreational use. The California plan allows residents to grow up to six plants at home and gives municipalities the power to allow or ban outdoor grows and marijuana stores. It requires commercial growers to comply with environmental regulations, many illegal growers today ignore law governing water, pesticides, and fertilizer use. Also gives existing medical-marijuana providers a head start in getting business licenses.

“Some states approved medical marijuana” to ease symptoms of various health problems. The U.S. Food and Drug administration (FDA) has not approved the marijuana plant as a medicine.” (  Marijuana is heavily discussed in the year of 2016 because this year brings an higher possibility that pot becomes legalized. A look at the polling suggest that marijuana will be legalized in California, Maine, and Massachusetts while Florida will become the first southern state to recognize marijuana as a medicine general legalization.

It looks iffy in Arizona & Nevada, while medical marijuana initiatives seem headed for defeat in Arkansas & Montana. A lack of recent polling makes the outcome in North Dakota harder to predict. More than 20 states have legalized weed, while the recreational pot usage is controversial higher authorities are starting to believe that pot should be legal for medical use. Marijuana use can be used to treat and prevent eye disease glaucoma, which increase pressure in the eyeball, damaging the optic nerve and causing loss of vision. The drugs can slow the progression of a disease.

A chemical in marijuana can help prevent seizures also stop cancer from spreading throughout the body, researchers at California Pacific medical center in San Francisco reported in 2007. Cannabinol stops cancer from turning off a gene called ID-1, cancer cells make more copies this gene than non-cancerous cells, and it helps them spread through the body. Medical marijuana users claim that the drugs relieve pain & stress which the benefits may be reduced from anxiety,
which can improves the smoker's mood. Be aware that high doses can increase anxiety and make you paranoid.
Image result for non smoking

Thlog #3

Raekwon Fisher
Eng 101-108
Thlog #3

A challenge in my life that raised my self esteem because i could not accomplish it but then with hard work i accomplished it was graduating. When i couldn’t  accomplish graduating i felt bad and remorseful because i know i have younger ones looking up to me to get us out the struggle and on to a better lifestyle. Thought about it 100 days and 100 nights and made a commitment to overcome my problems and prevail through any obstacles in my life. It took me 13 hard, stressful, memorable years but i managed to get by through small cracks in my life. At many points i wanted to give up because i wanted to rush my dreams or greed for money. What made me successful was pushing myself and not forgetting how my actions can affect my family’s life and maybe even tears us apart.

Thlog #2

Raekwon Fisher
Eng 101-108
Thlog #2

A successful leader is somebody that can take a group to another level, they are brave have pride, inspiring, motivating, can take on responsibilities and remain humble. They have discipline and can take on anything that comes their way. A leader in my life is me, myself, and i. I motivate myself to do better, stay down for myself through all my struggles, by understanding certain situations from my trials and tribulations to better myself for the future. I look up to myself because i’m all i got, i taught myself how do do sport and music. Being a leader is more than just being the strongest and smartest it’s all about heart and commitment to what you believe in, also being able to hold your own standing on your own 2 feet 10 toes down and prepared for anything that life throws at you. A leader is being able to turn nothing into something, being a leader is a full-time job, you have to be consistent and stay on point, because the leaders are the ones people run to when in need.

Thlog #1

Raekwon Fisher
Eng 101-108
Thlog #1

My topic is on “ Basketball and Music “ the passion for it was naturally in my blood certain things and people just inspired me to work more at it. My commitment became stronger due to my talent blessings, Mother, and siblings. I would write and practice everyday even wake up early on weekends than weekdays. It helped me become a better person i learned how to use certain traits to better myself mentally and physically. It helps me stay sane, calm, and also overcome my day to day struggles. Managed to overcome obstacles that had a burden on my life plus my growth pattern. Friends were cut off and family was minimized, mindset was changed and also challenged me. But overall it was for my own good, i got good feedback, knowledge, rewards, and motivation on my craft. From those times forward i always tried to work harder than the next man putting myself in a better position in life to take care of me and my family for life.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Power Of Music
Today I will be discussing the genre and the essentials of  music because it may not seem like it but music is an very important aspect to most people  including myself. Most don’t understand the concept of music or just have different outlooks on certain categories in music. A site where this is most common is found on - like reviews on new songs or even updates on artists personal life situations. This can help build an artist fan base or even destroy it due to the fact most reviews can be looked at in positive ways or turned into rumors. Another site YouTube - where you see people across the world post videos of their art and also creativity for feedback, the top sight to launch videos or become a trending topic over social media. Music gives emotion to the listener which helps them speak their mind on a certain song/album to let the producer know their strengths and weakness to help the artist create music they enjoy.
Music gives people topics to discuss or even make money off because artist give people reasons to talk which adds more money to the commentators which some happen to be side line haters. Do you believe without music most would prosper today ? Would poverty be even higher ? To my knowledge music opened doors for people to make money and grow as one. Music helps build a foundation for society especially in this generation. Music brings spotlights to different conventions such as  Vibe Magazine , you probably wondering what does magazines have to do with music but thats another written source based on artist, music, and their progress. You can download mixtapes apps on your phone which does not only show you how many downloads but also the feedback from people who have listened which gives people broad ideas to write about it then include their opinion. Twitter is another convention one of the biggest one of them all where tweets are posted for people to view and share. You’ll even find certain artist on the Forbes list about their million dollar accomplishments even any big time investments, how they help give back or even sold one of their products for large amounts of cash plus team up with well known entrepreneurs in business. You can also find writings in lyrics we can include poems because the share the same purpose. What would life be without music? The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time. All musical works have a beginning and an end. However, music does not restrict the audience in the way that movies or graphic art does. The listener can create whatever image she or he wants to when listening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. No thought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a fixed template in the way that literature and poetry do: the reaction to music is different from person to person. Although it is probably the most difficult to produce the desired imagery in
instrumental music, it can be done. BeethovenÕs Opus 27, Number 2, Piano Sonata No. 14, First Movement gives the image of a tired old man writing by the light of the moon and his passion without using any words at all. Music with lyrics is often referred to as "words set to music." This is not always the case. Sometimes it is more accurate to refer to music with lyrics as "music set to words." This form both widens and restricts the artistic composers to bring out their main ideas without expressing them

  • Hip - Hop
  • Rock
  • Blues
  • Country
  • Rock & Roll

The 5 categories above are different in sound but share certain elements which the artist and culture of the music grow.